Job Descriptions

  • September 06 2017

A job description is a summary of the most important features of a job. Descriptions can be used in combination with other documents to support recruitment, performance, workforce planning and other people-management goals and programs. The State HR Knowledge Portal contains a wealth of information about job descriptions, including instructions on writing job descriptions. The Professional Development Center also offers training opportunities related to job descriptions.

Your best source for questions about a specific job description, or to request a copy of a job description, is the human resource office of the agency where the position is located. You can find a list of agencies and human resources contacts here. You can also contact Bonnie Shoemaker from State HR with questions about job descriptions.


Job descriptions also support reasonable accommodation and early return to work processes. Health Care and Benefits offers many early return work resources and State HR developed a fact sheet with links to reasonable accommodation resources

Tags: Agency HR Info