Office of Workforce Wellness

Mid-Summer Reminder of EAP Benefits

Meet Jane, one of many Administrative Specialist working for the State of Montana. Jane enjoys the work she does and has a great relationship with her coworkers and customers. Even though her work life is on track and her work is fulfilling to her, Jane’s home life is becoming increasingly stressful. “What do I do? Where can I get some help?”

Carrie, Jane’s coworker, notices that Jane’s sunny disposition has been missing for several days now and offers to take her to lunch. “Jane, it’s lunch time.  Are you ready to join me for lunch?” Grabbing her purse, Jane realized that she was so distracted with things going on at home that time had completely gotten away from her.

Settling into a quiet corner at the Dive, Carrie shares with Jane that she noticed she doesn’t seem to be herself. Jane replies, “Summer is here, and I still don’t have a steady daycare for my two-year-old. I’m getting behind on my credit cards, and all of this happened after my closest friend passed away last month. I don’t know where to turn!”

July-2024.pngCarrie realizes that Jane is needing help to cope with the many things happening in her life right now. Carrie recently received help from the EAP for her own financial burdens, so she knows how beneficial the free EAP support and resources can be. “Jane, I’m sorry to know about all the challenges you are experiencing, and I think I know where you can get support and help.”  With a puzzled look on her face, Jane couldn’t understand how Carrie could come up with a possible solution so quickly.

Carrie reminded Jane of the EAP services offered through the state.  Carrie shared that she contacted the EAP and received free, confidential support for helping her manage her financial challenges.  Carrie mentioned that the EAP offers support and resources that can help Jane with managing her credit card debt, assisting her to locate a daycare, and most important, getting her support to address her grief over losing her friend.

“Carrie, thank you!  I can’t believe that I forgot about these free benefits offered by the EAP. I’m going to call Guidance Resources today to get the help I’ve been needing. I already feel the weight of my stress lifting! Let’s finish our lunch and head back to the office.”

** As summer gets into full swing, please remember that state employees, their dependents, and household members have exceptional support through the EAP as well as Health Care and Benefits. If you’re not sure where to start, email

State of Montana Benefit Plan Members – click here for additional Wellness resources available for you!

Below are free resources for extra support:


Below are the training sessions scheduled in July and August.

All Employees – All Training Times are 12 – 1 P.M., MST Unless Designated


Please visit the Office of Workforce Wellness for more EAP information.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) helps you privately solve problems that may interfere with your work, family, and life in general. EAP services are FREE to you, your dependents, and all household members. EAP services are confidential and provided by experts.   

 CompPsych Logo and Link to CompPsych Website

ComPsych Guidance Resources Employee Orientations 

                                           How to Access Your EAP Resources

Call ComPsych GuidanceResources:  1-844-216-8709 (TTY: 1-800-697-0353)

  • For dependent or household members (non-state employee), you will need to provide the first and last name of the employee who provided you with the GuidanceResources phone number.

Online: (Web ID: BCBSMTEAP)

Mobile App:  GuidanceResources® Now (Web ID:  BCBSMTEAP)

Online Registration:  To complete the registration process for the online GuidanceResources, your identification number is located directly below your name on your Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana insurance card.  Although the identification number listed is 12 digits, ignore the first three characters and only enter the last nine numbers (Example:  U5S123456789), Web ID: BCBSMTEAP


Once you are registered, there are several ways to get connected with services. The chat function is available Monday- Friday 7:00 – 5:00  MST and is a great way to request an answer.


Questions:  Please email Ann Brewer, EAP Manager, at

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